Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Digital Age!

Big Meadow Lake Spring 2011
The real Gazan Kids!

Laughing to myself, I will now forsake most other things to get as much information out on this new found, and crazy exciting form of, well, digital scrapbooking! It's been years since I have actually sat down with real printed photos in my hand to crop just right with my various trimmers~mostly Creative Memories, mounting them on the perfect mat colors then place them on the chosen background paper! Don't even get me started on the embellishments! Journaling was usually the difficult part although I have grown to understand that the journaling is the most important part. I've not considered myself proficient with language since my high school English teacher told me I should find a career where I have an assistant to do this type of work for me... Which explains why I laugh~ I now, excited to tell the tales of my life, am writing (typing). Journaling first then adding the photos and letting the chosen, free, templet do the embellishing! What a priority shift! A sure sign of a very full life  that requires me to live it and doesn't  affording me excessive time to relive it... Lets not talk about the money and shelf space required with actual albums ;)
The digital age! If only it could pull weeds & wash dishes!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Drip irrigation~

You will soon realize that I love to garden~ As much as I would love to stand outside in my beautiful garden taking in God's amazing wonder, I have many other obligations to take my time... So, I am finally installing drip irrigation! I have been intimidated by this process because it seems expensive and complicated which, if done wrong, can be even more  expensive! So I have researched, plotted, measured, planned, researched some more. Watched people install them on Utube ( I love Utube!). I now believe I am ready! Stay tuned~