Monday, April 30, 2012

My Amazing Kids~

Luke & Sage~ 
Two little people that prove God is in control and anything is possible! They are 15 months apart and the best of friends. They are lucky to have one another and I am lucky to have them...

Jake 12 years old
Luke 3 years old
Sage 2 years old

~the kids were in a giant tree in a part in Big Fork, MT. Beautiful place! 
Fall 2011~ 
Fall is my favorite season! I love the leaves, the fog. The smell of wood burning crisp mornings and sunny days that are warm enough to wear long sleeves. We don't acknowledge Halloween as something to celebrate (I don't like the creepy stuff) but we do enjoy carving pumpkins and decorating with a fall flare!
Christmas 2011~
We got this room done the night before Christmas Eve!  Floors and everything! Put up our 12 foot tree and enjoyed having furniture again!
Jake & Luke~ 
There is a nine year age difference between these two so you can imagine that Luke idolizes his big brother and wants to do everything he does! Jake is a great big brother taking very good care of the two little kids. 

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