Wednesday, August 1, 2012

More Absolute's Pink & Red Rottweiler Pups for Sale

Oh! What A Beautiful Morning!
Absolute's Fabulous Five
About 3 Weeks Old

Green Machine!
 I have not seen such beautiful puppies since I bought mine~
Classic Rottweiler Male Large, Gorgeous, & Confident. Most likely to hang back and watch, however a very driven player. Loves the ball, loves to tug and wrestle. Working on his basic obedience and submission to humans.

Red Rose!
 She is a very lovely pup, more likely to hang back and observe. Once she has seen enough she engages and is a very driven player... Loves to tug (especially with Pink) & really loves her people! Working on submission to humans and basic obedience.

Pinky Poo! (aka Pinker Stinker)
This little Girl started out the runt! Now she is catching Purple who is as large as the two males. Pink loves to interact, loves the people, loves to tug, and loves to eat! This is a very beautiful female who would thrive in an active environment. She could potentially have a dominant personality because she will go nose to nose with her mother in the food dish, completely ignoring the "get out of the dish" noises. We are already  working with her submission to humans, and basic obedience. She will be one to actively take care of her family.

These girls love to play together~
Their personalities could be considered opposite but their drive is equal~
I believe either of these would be fabulous in a showering or during Working Competitions!
They are amazing to watch!

If you are interested in a pup contact me:
Phone or text (818) 641-6396 cell

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