Wednesday, June 27, 2012

German Rottweiler Puppies for Sale~ Born June 18th, 2012

German Rottweiler Puppies For Sale Born June 18th, 2012
Absolute Rottweilers Fabulous 5~

The boys~

These puppies are perfect~
 As they should be considering the lineage they come from! Large, healthy, blocky heads straight out of the gates! I cannot wait to see how they mature. So far at one week old they are proving themselves very vigorous, moving from one end of their area to the other. They show that stubborn determination innately born into the Rottweiler.
*These Puppies have tails~ 
We don't and won't have tails docked! These are German Rottweilers

The girls~

*If you see a puppy you like join this blog to watch them grow! You can also send me an email with your contact information to

 I am now accepting deposits.

Blue~ male

Green~ male

Red~ female

Orange~ female

Purple~ female


  1. Hey there~ Thank you for visiting my site! Please call me at 818-641-6396 or email directly if you wish

  2. Im so facinated with these beautiful babies! After losing my companion 7 years ago, (as well as my husband-6yr ago) it is only now tbat I can dream of another best friend and thbe tears are not of saddness and the feeling of betrayal... my interest is with your candid loyalty and quality care. May I kno their prices, as I am limitted but fully decided, I'd love one of your georgous babies!

  3. Really i appreciate the effort you made to share the knowledge. These pups were born and raised out in the pasture. We usually try a absolute hands-off approach, but we've noticed some the pups will grow to be a little uninterested in having any human contact.

    puppy for sale
