Friday, June 22, 2012

Our Extreme Custom Beautiful Home~

OK, I am posting some photos of our "extreme custom" home~ The parts we have done anyway. This home is a labor of love. Shane is brilliant in his ability to come up with an idea and make it a reality! This home is like nothing else anyone will see, unless you head to Europe and visit some of those old world castles. The place gives me goosebumps! When I look at the pictures I feel very satisfied with the time it has taken/is taking!
 Anyone can rush into a project run to Home Depot, buy stock items and install them. We would have been done within months but our home wouldn't have been "our" home, a reflection of us! 

We finished this room December 23rd and had the 12 ft. tree up and decorated about midnight!
So worth it to have a comfy room with furniture!
I suppose this photo showcases the tree more then the room ;)

The walls throughout our home are circle saw lumber off our mill!
We wire wheeled the lumber then applied the chosen color treatment.
Either a walnut stain mixture,
3 different shades of red paint to add to the depth and stain rubbed over that to add 'age', OR (as you will see in the kitchen/pantry section) two different blues rubbed with stain. Amber shellac went over for protection and additional warmth~

The boards that couldn't be used for anything else make the most beautiful rustic walls. Again, the photos just give you an idea. Being in the room is when you realize how spectacular it is.
Hee Hee! Even the stain color is custom! ;)

Hand hewn beams add to the cozy comfort of the room. It truly feels like what I would expect from an old world lodge from Europe. (Never been there only seen in books)
The caribou antler chandelier we found on craigslist, got it for a screaming deal, and with a little TLC and touch up~ Spectacular!
 Right where it belongs~

These are our rustic wood plank floors. Again, circle sawn off our mill, Benite, stain, then shellac. The peg detail is also very beautiful.
These floor make the room feel extremely solid.


  1. So lovely .. Beautiful "home" not just a house ...

  2. I agree Joletta thank-you for sharing this house made of love and care. Breathtakingly beautiful
