Thursday, June 7, 2012

This Year's Spring Garden~

Took a few moments between rain storms to photograph my garden in the spring. Amazing what has been created by God! The rain has dampened my enthusiasm to get out and finish the irrigation system and to weed, however, it is lush and nothing short of spectacular! I walk through in aw of my volunteer tomatoes coming up from tomatoes carelessly left last fall. I always laugh at this especially when I actually seek out plants way to early and place them in the garden knowing it is to cold for any benefit. They sit there stems purple just bracing themselves until it warms up enough to grow and produce. Meanwhile, God's plan at work without my help! Tiny tomato seedlings~ amazing!
 I know the weeds will be there when the sun comes out as will the irrigation system... And it will be stunning in about a month!
My paradise!

Lots of different herbs, peppers, eggplant, purple cauliflower!

Heirloom tomatoes, lettuces, basil, cucumbers, and bunching onions...

broccoli and onions peas will grow up on the trellis

My blueberries finally getting some love this year thanks to some dear friends, the Busbys and their horses!

Peppers, oregano, basil, rosemary

Strawberries! I have strawberries planted everywhere!

This lovely little iris was one small tuber planted about 5 + years ago. After this bloom it will be moved to enjoy elsewhere...

Pepper attempting to nap in the Forget-me-nots~

Honeysuckle on the pergola Shane built for me

Forget-me-nots everywhere. one of the most carefree flowers reseed and eventually they are a carpet of blue and pink in May and June! Love them~

Asparagus! This is the first year so no cutting this year.
Have I mentioned weeds yet?

Gorgeous view of the play yard and when the clouds aren't in the way I  have a mountain view~

 Amused I had to include a photo of the mountain view from my garden~ yes, that is fresh snow!

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